Equipe(s) de recherche

Plateau technique


Directrice de recherche CNRS


Domaines de recherche

Je suis linguiste (doctorat 1984) et philosophe (doctorat 1990). Durant les dernières années, j’ai principalement travaillé sur l’évolution du langage. 

J’ai récemment intégré le LPC et l’équipe Cognition Comparée dans le but de tester les capacités de primates non-humains relativement à un certain nombre de mécanismes sémantiques et pragmatiques centraux dans le langage humain (par exemple, la sensibilité à l’informativité et la compositionnalité sémantique). 

Publications depuis 2015: 

Reboul, A. (2021) Chomsky on the evolution of the language faculty: presentation and perspectives for further research. In Allot, N., Lohndal, T. & Rey, G. (eds), Blackwell Companion to Chomsky. Oxford, Wiley Blackwell, 474-485.

Burnel, M., Durrleman, S., Reboul, A., Carré, A., Baciu, M. & Perrone-Bertolotti, M. (2021) Theory of mind during childhood: Investigating syntactic and executive contributions. Social Development 30: 73-94. DOI: 10.1111/sode.12471

Charafeddine, R., Zambrana, I.M., Triniol, B., Mercier, H., Clément, F., Kaufmann, L., Reboul, A., Pons, F. & Van der Henst, J-B. (2020) How preschoolers associate power with gender in male-female interactions: A cross-cultural investigation. Sex Roles. A Journal of Research. DOI: 10.1007/s11199-019-01116-X

Costagliola d’Abele, M., Altmanova, J., Cheylus, A., Cayol, Z. & Reboul, A. (2020) Lire la littérature dans une langue première ou dans une langue seconde: une étude expérimentale des effets de la fiction littéraire sur l’empathie. Annali dell'Istitutouniversitario orientale di Napoli. Sezione romanza LXII/1, 117-141.

Zufferey, S, Moeschler, J. & Reboul, A (2019) Implicatures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 

Reboul, A.& Stateva, P. (eds) (2019) Scalar Implicatures. Frontiers Research Topic. Frontiers in Psychology and Frontiers in Communication.

Reboul, A. (2019) Pronouns in Free Indirect Discourse: A Relevance-Theoretic Account. In Scott, K., Clark, B. & Carston, R. (eds): Relevance, Pragmatics and Interpretation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 93-101.

Reboul, A. (2019) Can there be linguistic norms? In Bayertz, K. & Roughley, N. (eds) The Normative Animal? On the Anthropological Significance of Social, Moral and Linguistic Norms. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 

Stateva, P., Stepanov, A. Déprez, V., Dupuy, L.E. & Reboul, A.C. (2019) Cross-linguistic variation in the meaning of quantifiers: Implications for pragmatic enrichment. Frontiers in Psychology.

Reboul, A. & Stateva, P. (2019) Editorial: Scalar implicatures. Frontiers in Psychology.

Reboul, A. (2018) Social evolution of public languages: Between Rousseau’s Eden and Hobbes’ Leviathan. In Poibeau, T. & Villavicencio, A. (Eds) Language, Cognition and Computational Models. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 227-255.

Reboul, A. (2018) Imaginative resistance: Negative emotions, values and fiction; In Tappolet, C., Teroni, F. & Konzelmann Ziv, A. (eds) Shadows of the soul: Philosophical perspectives on negative emotions. New York/London: Routledge, 30-38. 

Stepanov, A., Pavlic, M., Stateva, O. & Reboul, A. (2018) Children’s early bilingualism and music training influence prosodic discrimination of sentences in an unknown language. Journal of the Accoustic Society of America 143(1).

Dupuy, L. Stateva, P., Andreetta, S., Cheylus, A., Déprez, V., Van der Henst, J-B., Jayez, J., Stepanov, A. & Reboul, A. (2018) Pragmatic abilities in bilinguals: The case of scalar implicatures. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism. DOI 10.1075/lab.17017.dup 

Reboul, A. (2017) Cognition and Communication in the Evolution of Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Burnel, M., Perrone-Bertolotti, M., Durrleman, S., Reboul, A. C. & Baciu, M. (2017) Role of two types of syntactic embedding in belief attribution in adults with and without Asperger Syndrome. Frontiers in Psychology.

Reboul, A. (2017) Hinzen’s Un-Cartesian Linguistics. Theoretical Linguistics 43/3-4; 261-270.

Durrleman, S., Burnel, M. & Reboul, A. (2017) Theory of Mind in SLI revisited: Links with syntax, comparisons with ASD. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders. 

Burnel, M., Perrone-Bertolotti, M., Bacciu, M., Reboul, A. & Durrleman, S. (2017) Implementation of a low-verbal scale for Theory of Mind development in children. Developmental Psychology.

Reboul, A. (2017) A pragmatic and philosophical examination of Everett’s claims about Pirahã. In Blochowiak, J., Grisot, C., Durrleman, S. & Laenzingler, C. (eds) Formal Models in the Study of Language: Applications in Interdisciplinary Contexts. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 83-96.

Reboul, A. (2017) Is implicit communication a way to escape epistemic vigilance? In Assimakopoulos, S. (ed.) Pragmatics at its Interface. Boston/Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 91-112.

Reboul, A. (2017) Marty’s ‘Psychological’ semantics and its posterity: Internalism and Externalism. In Fréchette, G. & Taieb, H. (eds.): Mind and Language – On the Philosophy of Anton Marty, series “Phenomenology & Mind”. Berlin: De Gruyter, 286-306.

Durrleman, S., Burnel, M., Thommen, E., Foudon, N., Sonié, S., Reboul, A., Fourneret, P. (2016) The language cognition interface in ASD: Complement sentences and false belief reasoning. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 21: 109-120. 

Dupuy, L., Van der Henst, J-B., Cheylus, A., Reboul, A. (2016). Context in Generalised Conversational Implicatures: The Case of some. Frontiers in Psychology (22 March 2016): 1-10. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00381

Reboul, A., Delfitto, D., Fiorin, G. (2016) The semantic properties of free indirect discourse. Annual Review of Linguistics 2: 255-271. 

Delfitto, D., Fiorin, G. & Reboul, A. (2016) The semantics of person and de se effects in free indirect discourse. Springer Plus 5: 1451. Doi: 10.1186/s40064-016-3102-8

Reboul, A., de Carvalho, A., Van der Henst, J-B., Cheylus, A., Nazir, T. (2016) Scalar implicatures: The psychological reality of scales. Frontiers in Psychology. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01500

Charafeddine, R., Mercier, H., Clément, F., Kaufmann, L., Berchtold, A., Reboul, A., Van der Henst, J-B. (2015). How preschoolers use cues of dominance to make sense of their social environment. Journal of Cognition and Development 16(4): 587-607. 


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