
Partenaires du laboratoire


BLRI (Brain & Language Research Institute)

To understand the way that language functions and to model it by bringing together experts in linguistics, neuroscience, psychology, medicine and computer science, such is the project of BLRI. The objective is to create a generic model of the processing of language and its cerebral bases. In this way BLRI intends to contribute to this ambitious question: to understand how man processes language, even as far as its cerebral functions. Fundamentally interdisciplinary and principally rooted in SHS, BLRI includes 6 laboratories in the region (LPL, LPC, LNC, LIF, IBD and LIA). It relies on the creation of a team of 5 engineers and technicians who guide the treatment of the data acquired within the partner platforms. It also welcomes numerous foreign colleagues for research visits. Finally, BLRI supports education by offering doctoral fellowships and by putting in place new forms of training. (www)

ILCB (Institute of Language, Communication and the Brain)

The ILCB constitutes a major initiative in Cognitive Science. It aims to explore the neural basis of human language and communication by studying the components of L&C and proposing unifying models and architectures. The originality and ambition of the ILCB lies in the integration of a wide range of disciplines, methodologies and experimental techniques that all contribute to the description of human language processing and communication (as paradigmatic examples of high-level cognitive functions) in laboratory and naturalistic settings. (www)

Carnot Cognition

Les technologies cognitives (interaction humainsystème, ou humain-humain), médiées par des technologies qui engagent ou modifient les fonctions cognitives, augmentent la valeur ajoutée des produits et services dans un contexte d’utilisation de plus en plus adaptatif : prise en compte de l’individu utilisateur, de son environnement et des modes d’interaction qui sont en jeu. (www)