Onglets principaux

Equipe(s) de recherche

Plateau technique


Campus Saint-Charles, Marseille



Tosatto, L., Fagot, J., Nemeth, D., & Rey, A. (2022, May). Chunk Stability in Implicit Sequence Learning. Paper presented at the 9th Implicit Learning Seminar. Graz, Austria. 

Tosatto, L., Fagot, J., Nemeth, D., & Rey, A. (2022, June). The evolution of chunks in Sequence Learning. Paper presented at the Statistical Learning Conference. San Sebastian, Spain. 

Tosatto, L., Fagot, J., Nemeth, D., & Rey, A. (2021, November). The effect of Extended Practice on Chunking in Non-Human Primates. Paper presented at the 62nd Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Virtual.

Tosatto, L., Fagot, J., Nemeth, D. & Rey, A. (2020, April). Chunking and Associative Learning in Non-Human Primates. Paper presented at Evolang XIII, Brussels, Belgium. Retrieved from

Tosatto, L., Fagot, J., Nemeth, D. & Rey, A. (2019, November). Chunking Long Sequences in Human and Non-Human Primates. Paper presented at the 60th Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Montréal, Québec, Canada.

Tosatto, L. & Rey, A. (2019, June). Learning Non-Adjacent Dependencies in a Noisy Environment. Paper presented at the 8th Implicit Learning Seminar, Tromsø, Norway. 

Tosatto, L., Nemeth, D. & Rey, A. (2019, March). Chunks in Long Sequence Learning. Paper presented at the International Convention for Psychological Science, Paris, France. 



Domaines de recherche

  • Associative Learning
  • Statistical Learning
  • Sequence Learning
  • Chunking
  • Comparative Cognition




Année Universitaire 2018 - 2019

  • Psychologie cognitive Licence 1 de psychologie

Année Universitaire 2019 - 2020

  • Psychologie cognitive Licence 2 de psychologie
  • Méthodologie & statistiques Licence 1 de psychologie

Année Universitaire 2020 - 2021

  • Psychologie cognitive Licence 2 de psychologie

Année Universitaire 2021 - 2022

  • Psychologie du développement Licence 2 de psychologie
  • Psychologie du différentielle Licence 2 de psychologie
  • Méthodologie de la dissertation Licence 1 de psychologie
